Bullying and the long lasting trauma associated with it: Tips for Healing from a Trauma Therapist in CO


By a Denver Trauma Therapist and teen counselor

Image shows "Bullying, the long-lasting trauma associated with it and ways to heal" Trauma Therapy Denver, CO can help you address old trauma to heal in the present. Let our team of trauma therapists in Colorado be a helping hand for you. Call now an

Have you ever heard the following saying?

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

If the mere thought of this phrase brings back painful memories or a visceral response in your body, then it is likely that you have experienced bullying in your life.

Bullying is a serious issue that affects people of all backgrounds, genders, and sexualities. The lasting burden of bullying can haunt individuals well into adulthood if left unresolved. However, healing from the trauma associated with bullying is possible. In this conversation, we will explore the topic of bullying and discuss ways you can find healing.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is a deliberate act of intimidation toward someone else where the bully has inherent power over the victim. It can take on various forms, such as physical harm, verbal assault, gossiping, social exclusion, or cyberbullying. It is important to note that bullying is characterized by a continuous, persistent pattern of behavior rather than an isolated incident.

Let me reiterate: bullying can be detrimental to all individuals, but it disproportionately affects minorities and other marginalized communities. For example, according to the CDC, LGBTQ+ youth are at a higher risk of experiencing bullying and harassment due to their sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, especially in more rural or conservative environments.

Therefore, youth professionals must extend support and guidance to those who are at risk of bullying. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of seeking help early to access the support needed to come out of experiences of bullying with the least impact and residual harm possible. But why am I so passionate about this? Let's delve even further into the long-lasting impact of bullying.

Image of a desk and hourglass. Trauma therapy in Denver can help survivors of bullying heal from trauma. Reach out to our Denver trauma therapists to learn more!

The Long-Term Effects of Bullying

In terms of psychological effects, victims of bullying may experience anxiety and depression as well as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These devastating conditions have the potential to severely reduce someone's quality of life and impact their relationship with themselves, others, and the world around them. 

On top of that, bullying can cause us to experience a decrease in self-confidence and self-esteem. When we experience harm from others, it can be a natural - and protective - reaction to withdraw socially and isolate from others. Not only can this have a detrimental impact on various aspects of our lives, including school, work, and friendships, isolation from others eliminates the number one most important factor for our ability to heal from trauma - connection, and togetherness. 

Now, I know that this sounds heavy, but it is important to share these details to recognize that the effects of bullying are not always short-lived. So, how can one overcome the effects of bullying?

Healing from Bullying using Trauma Therapy in Denver, CO

Healing from bullying trauma is possible with the right support. Below are some effective strategies that our trauma therapists at Chadley Zobolas Therapy Group recommend: 

  • Attune to your physical and emotional needs.

    This practice cannot be overstated when it comes to healing from bullying trauma. Because you’re attuning to your body, this will look unique to you. For some, attuning to needs may include engaging in physical movement such as walking outside or yoga. It may also look like reaching out to safe friends or family, eating a delicious meal, snuggling with a pet, or watching a nostalgic show. 

  • Try EMDR therapy or another form of somatic trauma therapy.

    Trauma therapy that focuses on the nervous system and helping the trauma get “unstuck” from your body and present experience can be transformative for healing from bullying trauma. 

  • If you can, share your experience with someone you trust.

    This could be a friend, family member, teacher, or therapist. It’s so important to not hold trauma all on our own. 

Although the majority of this article has been dedicated to methods for healing from bullying, what if you are more concerned about a family member, child, teen, or close friend? If you notice signs that someone you care about is dealing with bullying, here are some tips for you. 

How to Support Love Ones and Friends Who Have Been Bullied

  • Listen.

    One way to support someone who has experienced bullying is to listen to them without judgment and offer empathy and validation for their experiences. Be as explicit as you can in letting them know that you don’t want them to be alone in it! 

  • Stand up and speak out.

    Standing up against bullying when you witness it happening is the ultimate way to become an ally in the situation. This can be done by intervening directly at the moment, reporting the incident to authorities, apps, or school officials, or speaking out against bullying in your community.

  • Educate yourself.

    It's also important to educate yourself on the effects of bullying and how it can impact individuals differently based on factors such as race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability status. By understanding these nuances, you can better support those who have been impacted by bullying in meaningful and compassionate ways.

By working together as a community to create a culture of kindness and respect, we can help prevent future incidents of bullying and ensure that everyone feels valued, safe, and comfortable in their skin.

Image of two people holding hands. Bullying is a form of trauma that impacts teens and adults. Our Denver trauma therapists specialize in helping clients heal from trauma of bullying.

Support for Bullying: Trauma Therapy in Denver, CO

While experiencing bullying can be incredibly challenging, it's important to remember that healing is possible, and we have the power to come together to emerge stronger on the other side of bullying. So yes, it may be true that sticks and stones may break your bones, but the power of healing connection can help relieve even the deepest wounds.

Get Started with a Trauma Therapist in Denver, CO

1. Reach out to schedule a free 20-minute consult call.

2. Connect with the CZTG therapist of your choice via a phone consult.

3. Begin your process of exploration, healing, and growth.

Other CZTG Trauma Therapy Offerings


Seeking affirming trauma therapy in Denver, CO to help you or someone you love with bullying? Reach out to connect with a therapist at CZ Therapy Group today. 

Image of Chadley Zobolas Therapy Group Logo. Healing from bullying doesn’t happen overnight. Our Denver trauma therapists are here to offer support for teens and adults with effective trauma therapy in Colorado.
Chadley Zobolas